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    California Exotic  |  SKU: SE-0003-85-3

    First Time Vibraing Beaded Probe

    £30.00 £34.99

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    Dive into a world of thrilling sensations with the First Time and reg Vibrating Beaded Probe. Designed for those who seek an extra edge in their explorations, this probe combines intense vibrations with an enticing beaded design. Its perfect for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts looking to add diversity to their collection. The probe features 10 functions of vibration, pulsation, and escalation, each offering a range of sensations. Whether you crave the gentle rhythm of pulsation or the intense thrill of escalation, this toy adapts to your desires, providing a personalized experience that resonates with your deepest cravings. Constructed from body-safe Silicone, this material makes it a versatile choice for pleasure seekers, and being 100% waterproof with an IPX7 rating, it opens the door to adventures in the bath, shower, or any wet environment. The state-of-the-art memory chip is a thoughtful addition, ensuring the toy resumes from the last function used, offering convenience in your play. The First Time Vibrating Beaded Probe is designed for ease of use, featuring a security travel lock that activates with a three-second hold, ensuring discretion during your journeys. USB rechargeable for convenience, a full charge in just one hour translates to 55 minutes of high-speed pleasure or a prolonged 70 minutes at a lower speed. Discover the art of pleasure and self-exploration with this probe. 3.75 in x 1.25 Probe 2 in Base

    Length: 3.75 Inches
    Colour: Pink
    Flexibility: Firm
    Controller: Built In
    For Who: Both
    Features: Memory Chip
    Material: Silicone
    Brand: California Exotic
    Power: USB Rechargeable
    Size: 3.75 Inches

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    California Exotic

    First Time Vibraing Beaded Probe

    £30.00 £34.99
    Dive into a world of thrilling sensations with the First Time and reg Vibrating Beaded Probe. Designed for those who seek an extra edge in their explorations, this probe combines intense vibrations with an enticing beaded design. Its perfect for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts looking to add diversity to their collection. The probe features 10 functions of vibration, pulsation, and escalation, each offering a range of sensations. Whether you crave the gentle rhythm of pulsation or the intense thrill of escalation, this toy adapts to your desires, providing a personalized experience that resonates with your deepest cravings. Constructed from body-safe Silicone, this material makes it a versatile choice for pleasure seekers, and being 100% waterproof with an IPX7 rating, it opens the door to adventures in the bath, shower, or any wet environment. The state-of-the-art memory chip is a thoughtful addition, ensuring the toy resumes from the last function used, offering convenience in your play. The First Time Vibrating Beaded Probe is designed for ease of use, featuring a security travel lock that activates with a three-second hold, ensuring discretion during your journeys. USB rechargeable for convenience, a full charge in just one hour translates to 55 minutes of high-speed pleasure or a prolonged 70 minutes at a lower speed. Discover the art of pleasure and self-exploration with this probe. 3.75 in x 1.25 Probe 2 in Base

    Length: 3.75 Inches
    Colour: Pink
    Flexibility: Firm
    Controller: Built In
    For Who: Both
    Features: Memory Chip
    Material: Silicone
    Brand: California Exotic
    Power: USB Rechargeable
    Size: 3.75 Inches
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