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    Polisi Dychwelyd Di -Hassle

    PipeDream  |  SKU: PD5383-14

    Pipedream Dillio Platinum Curious Five


    Credyd hyblyg ar gael

    O brynu nawr, talwch yn ddiweddarach i'n cynlluniau talu misol, mae gennym ystod o opsiynau credyd ar gael.

    Dosbarthu a Llongau

    Rhowch eich archeb erbyn 4pm GMT, o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener, a byddwn yn ei anfon yn brydlon yr un diwrnod o'n warws yn y DU. Mae eich preifatrwydd yn hollbwysig i ni, felly byddwch yn dawel eich meddwl, bydd eich pecyn yn cyrraedd pecynnu heb ei farcio.

    šŸŒŸ Awgrym mewnol: Ymunwch Ć¢'n rhaglen wobrwyo heddiw! Fel aelod, byddwch yn datgloi gostyngiadau arbennig ac yn cynnig nad ydynt ar gael yn unman arall. Byddwch y cyntaf i gael mynediad i'r bargeinion unigryw hyn a gwella'ch profiad siopa gyda ni. Cofrestrwch nawr a dechrau cynilo!

    1 - 4 diwrnod

    Wedi'i ddanfon o fewn 1-4 diwrnod gwaith ar Ć“l talu'ch archeb

    30 diwrnod

    Byddwn yn rhoi ad -daliad llawn i chi trwy'r un dull yr oeddech chi'n arfer ei dalu


    The Dillio Platinum Collection is made with platinum-cured silicone for the HIGHEST degree of purity. This ultra-clean silicone exhibits strength, durability, flexibility, and non-reactivity with bodily fluids and skin. It is often the material of choice for medical devices because of its many outstanding features. The solid suction cup offers superior performance and gives you more versatility and convenience during use. It was specifically designed to be used with the Body Dock and other universal strap-on harnesses. Every Dillio Platinum is responsibly crafted with compliant materials and carefully checked to match our top-quality guidelines. You can enjoy every Dillio Platinum masterpiece with full confidence! Made with the highest quality platinum-cured silicone Non-sticky, smooth surface Super-strong suction cup base Great for all user levels! Compatible with Body Dock and other strap-on harnesses

    Length: 5.75 Inches
    Washing: Hot soapy water and toy cleaner
    Insertable: 1 to 5 inches
    Diameter: 1.2 Inches
    Colour: Green
    Flexibility: Firm
    For Who: Both
    Features: Suction Cup
    Material: Silicone
    Brand: PipeDream
    Size: 5.75 Inches

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    Mae eich gwybodaeth dalu yn cael ei phrosesu'n ddiogel. Nid ydym yn storio manylion cardiau credyd nac yn cael mynediad at wybodaeth eich cerdyn credyd.

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    Pipedream Dillio Platinum Curious Five

    The Dillio Platinum Collection is made with platinum-cured silicone for the HIGHEST degree of purity. This ultra-clean silicone exhibits strength, durability, flexibility, and non-reactivity with bodily fluids and skin. It is often the material of choice for medical devices because of its many outstanding features. The solid suction cup offers superior performance and gives you more versatility and convenience during use. It was specifically designed to be used with the Body Dock and other universal strap-on harnesses. Every Dillio Platinum is responsibly crafted with compliant materials and carefully checked to match our top-quality guidelines. You can enjoy every Dillio Platinum masterpiece with full confidence! Made with the highest quality platinum-cured silicone Non-sticky, smooth surface Super-strong suction cup base Great for all user levels! Compatible with Body Dock and other strap-on harnesses

    Length: 5.75 Inches
    Washing: Hot soapy water and toy cleaner
    Insertable: 1 to 5 inches
    Diameter: 1.2 Inches
    Colour: Green
    Flexibility: Firm
    For Who: Both
    Features: Suction Cup
    Material: Silicone
    Brand: PipeDream
    Size: 5.75 Inches
    Gweld y Cynnyrch