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    How to be a Sub - BDSM - The Ultimate Guide


    Rose Alexandra |

    BDSM is a complex and diverse subculture that encompasses a wide range of practices and interests. At the heart of BDSM is the concept of power exchange, in which one partner takes on a dominant role while the other assumes a submissive role. Being a sub in BDSM can be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience, but it requires communication, trust, and a willingness to explore your desires and boundaries. In this blog, we'll explore ten tips on how to be a sub in BDSM:


    Communicate Your Limits and Boundaries

    Communication is crucial in BDSM, and it's important to communicate your limits and boundaries to your partner before engaging in any activity. This includes discussing what you are and aren't comfortable with, as well as your hard and soft limits. Hard limits are things you absolutely won't do, while soft limits are things you're hesitant about but may be willing to explore under certain circumstances.


    Trust Your Partner

    Trust is essential in BDSM, and it's important to trust your partner to respect your limits and boundaries. This involves establishing a safe word or phrase that you can use to stop the activity if it becomes too intense or uncomfortable. It's also important to trust that your partner has your best interests in mind and will take care of you during the activity.


    Surrender Control

    Being a sub in BDSM involves surrendering control to your partner, which can be a liberating and empowering experience. This involves trusting your partner to take control and guide the activity, as well as being willing to let go of any preconceptions or expectations you may have about the experience.


    Focus on Sensations

    Sensory stimulation is a key aspect of BDSM, and being a sub involves focusing on the sensations you're experiencing. This can include physical sensations such as pain or pleasure, as well as emotional sensations such as vulnerability or submission. By focusing on the sensations, you can become more present and engaged in the experience.


    Embrace Vulnerability

    Being a sub in BDSM involves embracing vulnerability, which can be a scary but rewarding experience. This involves letting go of control and allowing yourself to be vulnerable to your partner. By embracing vulnerability, you can deepen your connection with your partner and explore new aspects of yourself.


    Learn to Trust Yourself

    Being a sub in BDSM involves trusting your partner, but it also involves trusting yourself. This means being aware of your limits and boundaries, as well as your desires and needs. By trusting yourself, you can make informed decisions about what you're comfortable with and what you're not.


    Use Your Voice

    Being a sub in BDSM doesn't mean you have to be silent or passive. It's important to use your voice to communicate with your partner and express your needs and desires. This can involve using verbal cues such as "yes" or "no," or nonverbal cues such as body language or facial expressions.


    Experiment with Different Roles

    Being a sub in BDSM doesn't mean you have to play the same role every time. You can experiment with different roles and scenarios to explore different aspects of your sexuality and desires. This can involve trying different types of play, such as bondage or impact play, or assuming different roles, such as pet or slave.


    Focus on Aftercare

    Aftercare is an essential part of BDSM, and it involves taking care of yourself and your partner after the activity. This can involve physical care, such as applying ice to sore areas or giving massages, as well as emotional care, such as cuddling or talking about the experience. Focusing on aftercare can help you and your partner process the experience and deepen your connection.


    Educate Yourself

    Being a sub in BDSM involves educating yourself about the culture and practices of BDSM. This means researching different aspects of BDSM, such as safety, consent, and aftercare, as well as learning about the different types of play and the equipment and tools involved. You can also attend workshops or classes to learn more about BDSM and connect with other members of the community.


    In conclusion, being a sub in BDSM involves a willingness to explore your desires and boundaries, communicate with your partner, and embrace vulnerability. By focusing on sensations, experimenting with different roles, and prioritizing aftercare, you can deepen your connection with your partner and explore new aspects of your sexuality. Remember to always prioritize safety and consent, and to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. With patience, trust, and a willingness to learn and grow, being a sub in BDSM can be a rewarding and empowering experience.

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